About Us
The Christ Child Society is a membership based non profit, serving the needs of children in the DC area. The foundation of our Society is our members, who not only set the direction for our programs, but lend their time, talent, and treasure to execute that vision. Members of the Christ Child Society come from across the DC metro area. Mostly women, our members range in age from early 20’s to early 90’s. Much of the membership is organized into smaller groups called guilds. These guilds often share a common interest such as neighborhood, age, or history. The guild structure is a great way to make friends and network while supporting the work of The Society.
Founded over 130 years ago by Mary Virginia Merrick, The Society retains much of the same mission and structure as it did in the beginning. The spirit of Mary Virginia Merrick is alive in our work with children. While steeped in tradition, we are committed to looking ahead and changing to meet the evolving needs of children in our area.
Membership has only one requirement– a passion for our mission to meet the needs of children.
The Christ Child Society continues to expand as other Chapters form around the country. Click here for more information on the National Christ Child Society.
Our Mission
To meet the material, educational, and emotional needs of children in the Washington, D.C area.